Eating Out in Fife – Christmas Dinner and Festive Dining

Christmas Day Dinners in Fife


The Christmas Feast

Celebrating Christmas is quite new in Scotland. The old ‘Yule’ celebrations were banned in Scotland by act of Parliament from 1640 to 1686 but the suppression of Christmas lasted for 400 years. It was not until 1958 that Christmas became a public holiday and it was 1974 before Boxing Day became part of that holiday.

One of the many traditions and an important one is the Christmas feast or dinner.  In the UK the Christmas feast usually takes place early to mid-afternoon on Christmas day. One bird is as much associated with Christmas as the nativity or Santa Claus, the Turkey. Turkey is the meat of choice at most Christmas feasts in the UK. It was not always this way. Up until the 1950’s, Turkey was too expensive for the average family. Improvements in refrigeration and mass breeding of Turkeys brought the price down and made it the staple dish on our Christmas Dinner table.

Eating Out at Christmas

The preparation and clearing up after the dinner means that at least one member of the family is not getting the holiday she or he deserves. Restaurants like the Kingswood Hotel’s Tall Trees Restaurant near Burntisland in Fife, are open on Christmas Day to prepare and serve your Christmas Dinner.

The Kingswood Hotel is an ideal choice for all the family to eat out on Christmas day. The Kingswood has ample parking and great views across the Forth towards Edinburgh. You are sure of a warm welcome and an extensive menu which of course contains all the traditional dishes and more. Gluten-free and vegetarian dishes are included so none of the family feels left out. Each child receives a small gift left by Santa just to keep the magic of that day alive.

Let us do all the preparation, serving and clearing up after your Christmas Dinner. The whole family can then go home and relax for the rest of the evening.

The Kingswood Hotel and The Tall Trees Restaurant have festive menu’s and Christmas entertainment available throughout December if you want to celebrate with family, friends or work colleagues. Visit our Christmas Page for more information.